“TS-PM” Hoist Shot Blasting Machine
Hoist shot blasting machines are served by a special sliding hoist on a monorail, which carries out all movement of the pieces during the operative cycle (lifting, conveyance, rotation during blasting), thus entirely freeing the company’s lifting apparatus.
The “TS-PM” hoist shot blasting machine represents a particularly versatile solution for the treatment of parts hanging individually or in bunches at the hoist up to 20Ton (with motorized translation) of a monorail overhead conveyor.
The conformation of the airway allows the operations of loading and unloading the pieces on a single hoist outside the cabin.
Furthermore, during shot blasting, the hoist automatically carries out an alternating back-and-fore motion, allowing the blast from the turbines to reach the surface of pieces of different shapes and angles, thus optimally.